Still a long way to go

the up's and down's on the way to my dream

Archive for the tag “school”

Every day is a new challenge

Challenge-Accepted-Barney-StinsonAnd here I am again. For me, nothing really happened this week. Apart from boring myself to death, my knee is still hurting like hell and I’m very much looking forward to going back to school (never thought I’d really be happy to go again 😉 ). Not only will I have something to do again, but we’re also getting some drama-lessons. I’m very curious what that will be! Anyway, let’s continue this little year story I was making:


”First-day-of-school, First-day-of-school, First-day-of-school, First-day-of-school, First-day-of-school…” I’m racing through the house, through the yard, just everywhere. I’m finally old enough to go to school for real! I’m going to make lots of friends and play with them every day. Why should I sit still mummy, I want to race, I want to run to the moon and be back in time before the bell sounds signaling us to go in. It takes sooooo long go get to school! I can see my feet moving: up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up… ”Justin, will you please stop kicking my Read more…

There’s a first time for everything!

last timeI guess everyone’s a little nervous when going to some place new, right? Well, I was a little nervous last Monday. I went to college for the very first time. And given the fact that I look like a 15-year-old I felt very small walking into that huge building. There was only one other person I knew, but by now I’ve made a few more friends. Everything is different and new and we all have to start from scratch! So far I’ve experienced it as fun. Maybe I’ll come back on that in a few weeks 😉

”There’s a first time for everything.” That’s what everybody keeps saying. And no matter how old you are, first-times keep coming. Just when you think there can’t be another first-time, a new one arrives. Of course there are fewer first-times when you get older, but that doesn’t mean they left your life! Far from left your life, better to say. Let’s start at the beginning of our lives: Read more…

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