Still a long way to go

the up's and down's on the way to my dream

Got to tell you something!

Yeah I’m back. I know it has been a few weeks again, but I was kind of unreachable by any internet stream. I had two very nice weeks in Croatia, thank you for asking. And since we were on a campsite I didn’t have a computer whatsoever. I have some other news, my laptop is still broken but is being fixed now, hopefully, by my cousin who’s kind of a computer geek. So far so good I’d say. Anything new happened? Of course, I’ve been of the grid for two weeks in a country I don’t live in, of course things happen.

I’ve been walking so much in the burning sun I think I don’t ever want to do that again and I didn’t get an injury break because I slipped on the second last day. Now my hand is bruised. Luckily I didn’t get sunburned!

I’ve been thinking to write down everything that happened in those two weeks, but that is a lot. I have been writing a sort of journal but that goes pretty personal…I could write the main story though.

Okay, let’s try that.

We arrived at the campsite at about 8 am. Pretty early but fortunately we could check in and go to our place. We put our tent up and, well, I was kind of struck by the heat so I couldn’t really do that much until my sister pushed me under a cold shower. We went to the pool, 1,5 km further!! I guess it was worth it, pretty big pool with levels. Nothing much happened after that except we eat french fries and went to bed early.

The second day my littlest sister met two girls from Holland and that night went to one of them. When we went to pick her up they were gone. But luckily we found them and that’s the special second day thingy.

Nothing much happened after that for a while, except that the other friend of my sister was much nicer and closer to our place. They played a lot together and took me to the pool because they couldn’t stand in it.

Then one day there was a triathlon on the campsite. Of course we didn’t compete, you had to have a bicycle of your own, and even if we did I wouldn’t have done it. You know who hot it is there, at 6pm when it started? So, after it ended the pool was almost empty. Some guy stole our ball, he was pretty cute, but younger than me. Nothing much happened then except that it took me a while to get the ball back.

The next day at the pool, he was there again, and surprise, surprise he stole our ball again. It wasn’t that easy to get it back this time. For one, there were a lot more people and for another, we didn’t have the luck that the pool closed.

Because it was so warm we only went to the beach and not to the pool any more. But I wanted to know more about this guy because I still hadn’t figured out where he came from. So I took my littlest sister and we went to the pool together. They were there again. And again, and again.

One day, when he stole our ball, he began questioning me. Apparently his friend wasn’t that good in English because he didn’t understand one bit of it, just like my sister. He wanted to know my name, how old I was – and then laughed when I said 18, he thought 14 – and were I came from. I asked it from him and found out he’s from Italy. He was 15 years old and was named either Lucca or Andrea. I think Lucca because that was everybody calling him. Besides I think Andrea is kind of  girls name.

Anyway, I still kind of liked him. Unfortunately we never came further than that because the next day he wasn’t there and then I wasn’t there and then we went home.

What did happen is that I made sort of a little friend. A German girl named Innie. One day the were next to us on the beach and I smiled to her. Like that happens she liked it and it didn’t take long before she came with her playmobil horses and wanted to play. I don’t know why, but little kids like me…

Anyway, I’ve had two years of German lessons and that was two or three years ago. My German isn’t that good but good enough to safe myself. That’s what I did with this little girl. She told me that she was 4 years old and I heard her birthday story in colors. Then when they left she asked me if I would be there the next day. Fortunately I would be there.

And I was. While my little sister played with her older sister Innie brought her horses to me. She had an amazing time, really. But the next day we went home.

She didn’t really like me telling her that. I had no choice now did I?

All with all, I had an amazing time even though I didn’t get a souvenir this year. I still think I have the right to get the money from there, you know, the money we had left when we left, it’s useless here anyways.

Did I get what I expected? No, I don’t think so. But I don’t really know what I expected. The camping was enormous. The showers were very luxury and I never had to stand in line. The beach was very close to us thought the pool was far away.

Maybe I wanted more friends. Maybe I hoped to get a boyfriend. Maybe I expected things to go automatically, I don’t know. All with all, things turned out great. No, I didn’t get a boyfriend but I had an amazing time with Lucca – I still hate Italy, don’t know why, but he was amazing – and I didn’t have so much friends. But you have to face it. There aren’t much people my age on a campsite like this. Mostly kids around my sister’s age, 11. Her friend was very funny and the two of them had an amazing time using me in the pool and making me play games with them. Innie had an amazing time telling me things and playing on the beach. I don’t know why I like little kids, I just do.

A holiday to never forget. Am I happy to be back home? No, most certainly not. I wished I could have stayed longer, to enjoy the sun, the people, everything. Live seems so easy on a campsite. You don’t have anything you don’t need. Days are different, you eat later, much later than here and the sun is really shining every single day.

Things pass, people change. Now, I really want to see my friends again, but I have to go to work and do things and stuff…


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